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{ Category Archives } reflexive

a relation R on a set X is reflexive iff, for each a in X, aRa [site news/other self-referential chicanery]

“Adding Some Spice to Your Marriage”

I’ve participated in two game jams this year and released two games! The first jam was during Awesome Games Done Quick 2017, and for it I made Composition. Which is… weird. We’ll go with weird. The second was a horny game jam during February, and for it I made Adding Some Spice to Your Marriage, […]


Let’s get the business out of the way first; the rest of this post will be a rambly mess, but we’ll get things done here above the line. I have a “new” browser game! “New” in quotation marks because it’s something I 80% finished eight years ago and then 95% finished four years ago, and […]

Nullary Sources

I recently started doing yet another thing which will cause me never to update this blog. Nullary Sources is a Tumblr blog I write with cool dude Colin Barrett. We’ve talked about starting something like it for a while, but much to our surprise, it finally happened. It’s been active for a little more than […]

“Unique Moves”

I’ve been knocking a game idea around in my head for a little while: a maze game where you can move any number of squares in a straight line, but once you move by a specific number of squares, you can’t move by that exact number again. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea, […]


There’s this one guy on the internet named Peter Hosey who recently started a blog feature called “Ship-It Saturday,” where he’s posting projects that are basically done save for maybe one or two niggling things, in the interest of just getting them done I mean seriously come on. I’ve been thinking about it since he […]

VGM composers works lists

Ages ago, for the VG Frequency blog, I wrote a series of posts spotlighting some lesser known composers of video game music whose works I greatly enjoy. Each of these posts contained a list of the games they’d composed music for, just as a flat text file. Since writing those posts, I’ve become really unhappy […]

small update

This blog now has a profile page. For the first time since its registration three years ago, has content.


Went through the old posts and spruced everything up so that they at least look no worse than they did in the old theme, I think. Had an oddity with my image styling with Safari 3 and rows of thumbnails, like in this post, where the images load fine the first time, but after the […]


I’ve decided to go with Barthelme as the new theme. Haven’t really made any structural changes to it, but then again, my previous theme was just a thin coating over Kubrick, so I’m not exactly forging new ground here on the frontier of using canned themes. Barthelme was one of the only themes I found […]

First of many

Well, it’s been less than a month since my last post, so there’s some definite progress on the regularity front. Tonight I updated WordPress to version 2.5, which of course is not particularly notable for any reason, but I did so by checking out the 2.5 tag using svn instead of following one of the […]