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{ Category Archives } harmonic

a harmonic of a wave is an integer multiple of its fundamental frequency [sound/music]

Best video game songs of 2015

Every year I usually have a reasonably strong preference for my favorite soundtrack from a video game that came out that year, but that wasn’t really the case for 2015. So instead, here’s a list of the five songs I’ve probably listened to the most from games released in 2015.

Extracting audio from CAF files without re-encoding

Yesterday, I found myself in possession of some Core Audio Format (CAF) files. CAF is just a container format; it can hold audio data encoded with different formats, such as AIFF or AAC. In this case, the files were holding music encoded with AAC. QuickTime Player can play CAF files without any trouble, but I […]

VGM composers works lists

Ages ago, for the VG Frequency blog, I wrote a series of posts spotlighting some lesser known composers of video game music whose works I greatly enjoy. Each of these posts contained a list of the games they’d composed music for, just as a flat text file. Since writing those posts, I’ve become really unhappy […]

Submission to the practice problem of the 17th Annual University of Evansville High School Programming Contest:

Introducing the Summer of PMS

Summer of Code is a very interesting, very neat program run by Google. Basically, it’s like a virtual internship with an open-source “company”; you essentially become a developer for an open-source project for the summer, implementing a project for which you submitted an application. Of course, it wouldn’t be an internship without pay: $4500 for […]


+5000 awesome points to anyone who’s jealous.

The Power of Seven

So, there I was writing the essay portion of my archaeology final this morning…