Introducing Solvang
Solvang is an “authentic Danish village,” complete with an authentic Danish non-moving windmill, an authentic Danish pay phone, authentic Danish chocolate-covered Red Vines, and an authentic Danish Swiss army knife.
Solvang is an “authentic Danish village,” complete with an authentic Danish non-moving windmill, an authentic Danish pay phone, authentic Danish chocolate-covered Red Vines, and an authentic Danish Swiss army knife.
I don’t feel like reporting anything else substantial right now, so here’s a picture of a sign I took at a rest stop:
Summer of Code is a very interesting, very neat program run by Google. Basically, it’s like a virtual internship with an open-source “company”; you essentially become a developer for an open-source project for the summer, implementing a project for which you submitted an application. Of course, it wouldn’t be an internship without pay: $4500 for […]
Dear anonymous Linear Algebra classmate
+5000 awesome points to anyone who’s jealous.
I rarely take online quizzes, since they tend to be extremely malformed in both content and use of the English language, asking three irrelevant questions with fifteen poorly-spelled answers apiece, the sum of which supposedly determines which season you are (illustrated with an anime screen capture), which weapon you are (illustrated with an anime screen […]
So, a week ago, I got an e-mail saying that my order of Electroplankton from had shipped.
For future reference, dying in a dream does not mean you’ll die in real life. That is all.
I think perhaps the most elegant expression of what this floor stood for this semester was found on the large RA whiteboard a few days ago.