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the binary numeral system is a positional notation with a base of 2 [technobabble]

Extracting audio from CAF files without re-encoding

Yesterday, I found myself in possession of some Core Audio Format (CAF) files. CAF is just a container format; it can hold audio data encoded with different formats, such as AIFF or AAC. In this case, the files were holding music encoded with AAC. QuickTime Player can play CAF files without any trouble, but I […]


I recently got on a kick of old educational games: The Learning Company‘s Super Solvers series, MECC‘s DinoPark Tycoon, etc. One game I started playing is Sierra‘s The Island of Dr. Brain, the only of the four Sierra-developed Dr. Brain titles that I never played while growing up. The first two games in the series, […]

“Unique Moves”

I’ve been knocking a game idea around in my head for a little while: a maze game where you can move any number of squares in a straight line, but once you move by a specific number of squares, you can’t move by that exact number again. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea, […]

Tynt Insight: The worst thing in the entire world

<@Crash> China’s Wang wins third gold medal at short track <@Crash> Read More: <@Crash> WTF? <@Crash> I didn’t even copypasta that part! <@Crash> I was all hooray for China’s Wang, but that came out too <@Crash> That shit’s just fucking rude now. More and more companies are integrating software called Tynt Insight (formerly Tynt […]


There’s this one guy on the internet named Peter Hosey who recently started a blog feature called “Ship-It Saturday,” where he’s posting projects that are basically done save for maybe one or two niggling things, in the interest of just getting them done I mean seriously come on. I’ve been thinking about it since he […]

Old Mac CDs #3: Fall ’93 Macintosh Promo CD

This installment in the series will be a special one for a couple of reasons. First off, this is not a CD that I or my family originally owned. Unlike the CDs in the previous two installments and the ones I intend to cover in the future, I snagged this one from a college professor […]


Last night, I had a problem with Xcode not recognizing a provisioned iPhone. After some fiddling and a screen sharing session, the problem was fixed with a hardware reset to the iPhone.

Old Mac CDs #2 Gaiden: HyperGlot ICON Resources

This is another followup to the The Macintosh Demo Applications CD Version 1.1 post. It’s the last one, and it’ll be really quick, I promise. One of the demos, or demo groups, rather, was for HyperGlot Software Company, who made several language-learning applications. I peeked at the ICON resources for the general HyperGlot demo; the […]

Old Mac CDs #2 Gaiden: Finder icon masks

This is an ancillary post to my previous one on The Macintosh Demo Applications CD Version 1.1, based on an observation I made while preparing the icon images for the application list. Before I begin, I need to provide a brief overview of file icons in the classic Mac OS, starting with I believe System […]

Old Mac CDs #2: The Macintosh Demo Applications CD Version 1.1

Well, I’ve actually gone ahead and made a second installment, which officially makes “Old Mac CDs” a feature! This one is another Centris 610 CD: The Macintosh Demo Applications CD Version 1.1 (CDRM-1044940)