While going through the pictures I’ve taken so far, I noticed quite a few involved signs or messages that amused me for some reason or another. Since I’m currently one picture short of the mini-album I really wanted to post today, here are a few of those pictures, captioned snarkily.
Write your own backstory for this one.
You laughed at “smorkage.” Admit it.
I find the word “cloggery” quite a bit funnier than it actually is.
That’s actually a rebus on the side of the replica Rundetaarn. Highlight the box below to read the hidden message:
Lead, God, the right teaching and justice into the heart of the crowned King Christian IV, 1642.
It took me five seconds to figure that out. How about you?
Of course, telling you that the store sold earrings and that the sign wasn’t really describing the alarm box would ruin the whole joke.
You heard the sign; keep out from the sheer face.
I personally base all my important life decisions on messages printed on urinal soap holders.
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Maybe you heard the sign, but I personally have never heard a sign.
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