Well, I’ve actually gone ahead and made a second installment, which officially makes “Old Mac CDs” a feature!
This one is another Centris 610 CD: The Macintosh Demo Applications CD Version 1.1 (CDRM-1044940)

Presumably, since this is version 1.1, there was more than one version of the CD produced.
This CD is, well, it’s pretty self-explanatory: it’s just a big ol’ collection of demos, mostly software but there are a few hardware demos too. Where the Apple Chronicle had HyperCard navigation of most of its demos, The Macintosh Demo Applications CD harnesses the extreme power of At Ease:
Remember some of these from my previous post? The Apple Chronicle also had demos of ClarisWorks and Cinemation, and a few others not shown in this screenshot. For this post, I considered the same approach as my last one of diving into some of the demos on the CD, but let’s do something different. Let’s play a game!
I am going to list every single software demo on the CD (some grouped when appropriate), along with the icon and link to more information, where possible. For each demo, give yourself 1 point if you’ve heard of the program before, 3 points if you’ve used it before, or 5 points if you’ve used it some time recently, let’s say in the past year or so, I’m not really trying to be a stickler for this one. Quite a few of these programs have changed names and/or developers over the years, so go ahead and count future versions or revisions: count ClarisWorks if you’ve used AppleWorks recently, etc.
If you’ve got JavaScript enabled, you should have a bunch of radio buttons below and an auto-updating score at the bottom. If not, you’ll have to keep count by hand. And, of course, if you don’t want to play, you can still enjoy this list of 1992 cutting edge technology:
Acta 7
Address Book Plus 2.0
Adobe Type Manager
Blockers & Finders
(Black Box-like game)Canvas 3.0.4
Claris CAD
- ClipMedia
Color It! 2.0
Components: General Ledger
Components: Accounts Payable
Components: Accounts Receivable
Components: Job Cost/Time Billing
- CorelDraw
- CSL Précis
DayStar PowerDemo
- DiskFit Pro
Encore v2.5.2
FileMaker Pro
Freehand 3.1
GQL V3.0
- Headline Harry
- HyperGlot
Learn to Speak English
Learn to Speak French
Learn to Speak Spanish
- Illustrator 3.0
In Control
Infini-D 2.0
Instant Update
- InterAxcess
(network access utility and network cards) Kid Pix
Kid Pix Companion- Kid Works 2
- LabVIEW 2
Life Forms
- Mac School
MacDraw II
MacDraw Pro
MacProject II
- MacroModel
MacWrite II
Magnet 1.0b27
(scrapbook)Master Tracks Pro v5.0.1
Media Cataloger 1.0
- MediaMaker
(Macromedia video editor) - MediaText
Meeting Maker
- MitemView
ModelShop II V.1.2
MORE 3.1
Morph 1.0.1
Muppets on Stage
MusicTime v1.0
Nisus XS
- Number Connections
OmniPage Direct
- PageMaker 4.0
Patton Strikes Back
Personal Press 2.0
- Persuasion
Photoshop 2.0
PictureDecomPress 2.0.4
Premiere 1.0
Publish It! Easy 2.2
QuicKeys 2
Retrospect Remote
Sketcher 1.0
SoundEdit Pro 1.0
Special Delivery 1.0
- Spelunx
- SpreadBase
StatView 4.0
StuffIt Lite 3.0.1
SuperANOVA v1.11
SuperPaint 3.0 v1.11
Swivel Pro 2.0.4
(Macromedia 3D modeler)- Systat
- The Factory
- The Playroom
- Three-D
Universal SoftPC
Vellum 3D
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
WriteNow 3.0
So that’s 99 possible choices, and my score on this list is a stratospheric 75. There are quite a few big name products on this CD that are still being developed in the present; it’s pretty easy to forget just how old some of the software we use today really are.
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